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Crafting Your Dream Brows: Your Personal Guide to Microblading

By Mercedes Perez, Permanent Makeup Artist


Whether you’ve been considering microblading for a while, or you’ve just recently stumbled upon this beauty trend, this guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and insights you need to make an informed decision about enhancing your eyebrows through microblading.


My name is Mercedes Perez, and I’ll be your guide throughout this book. With over 20 years of experience in the fitness and beauty industry, I’ve dedicated my career to helping people look and feel their best. One of the most significant transformations I’ve seen in my clients comes from shaping and defining their eyebrows. Eyebrows are a key feature of our faces; they frame the eyes and express our emotions. Perfect eyebrows can truly elevate your look and boost your confidence.


This guide will take you on a comprehensive journey through the world of microblading. You’ll learn exactly what microblading is, explore various microblading techniques, understand the importance of eyebrow shapes, and discover how your skin type plays a role in the process. We’ll also dive into the practical aspects such as how to prepare for a microblading session, what the procedure entails, aftercare and healing, and the importance of a touch-up session.


Furthermore, this book will empower you to make an informed decision about whether microblading is right for you. With an understanding of the process, benefits, and considerations, you’ll be able to confidently select the right microblading artist and technique tailored to your unique needs and preferences.


Let’s embark on this exciting journey together towards achieving the eyebrows you’ve always dreamed of.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique that has revolutionized the way we enhance and define eyebrows. Through the manual application of pigment into the upper layers of the skin, microblading replicates the appearance of natural eyebrow hair. It’s an art form that combines precision, color theory, and skill to create beautifully shaped eyebrows that can dramatically improve one's facial features.


At its core, microblading involves using a handheld tool with ultra-fine needles to make small, controlled cuts in the skin. These cuts are then filled with a pigment that matches the natural or desired eyebrow color. Unlike traditional tattooing, which uses a machine to insert ink deep into the skin, microblading is more surface-level. This allows for finer, crisper hair-like strokes that mimic natural eyebrows. Because the pigment is not placed as deeply into the skin, microblading is considered semi-permanent, typically lasting between 1 to 3 years depending on various factors like skin type, lifestyle, and maintenance.


The allure of microblading lies in its ability to craft eyebrows that are not only striking but also tailored to the individual’s facial structure and preferences. It’s particularly popular among individuals who have sparse, over-plucked, or thinning eyebrows. Moreover, it’s a valuable solution for those who desire a low-maintenance beauty routine, as it eliminates the need to apply eyebrow pencils or powders daily.

While the results can be transformative, it is essential to recognize that microblading is a procedure that requires skill and precision. Therefore, selecting a qualified and experienced artist is crucial for ensuring not just the desired aesthetic result but also a safe and professional experience.


In the following sections, we will delve into the various techniques within microblading, discuss different eyebrow shapes, and explore the importance of understanding your skin type before undergoing the procedure.

Different Microblading Techniques

As microblading has evolved, so have the techniques and styles that artists use to create the perfect brows. Understanding the different microblading techniques will empower you to make a choice that aligns with your desired look. Let’s explore some of the most popular techniques.

Microblading Natural Strokes:

Microblading Natural Strokes is the epitome of natural-looking eyebrow enhancement. This technique is all about precision and subtlety. A skilled artist uses a handheld tool with micro-needles to create fine, hair-like strokes with pigment on your skin, making it seem like your brows are naturally full and well-shaped. This is the go-to option if you desire a feathered look or if you just want to fill in some gaps. Natural Strokes create a soft and seamless finish that blends perfectly with your real eyebrow hair. The results typically last around 12 to 18 months.


Powder Ombre Brows or Microshading:

Powder Ombre Brows is the diva of the eyebrow world! It gives you that sultry, makeup-like finish, resembling the look achieved by eyebrow powders and pencils. Instead of hair-like strokes, the artist uses a machine to deposit tiny dots of pigment into the skin, creating a gradient effect with a lighter inner corner and a darker tail. This style is perfect for those who love a more defined and dramatic eyebrow look or have oily skin which might not hold the fine lines of microblading as well. Powder Ombre Brows is also semi-permanent but can sometimes last a bit longer than Microblading Natural Strokes.


Combo Hybrid Brows:

Can't decide between natural and bold? Combo Hybrid Brows gives you the best of both worlds! It's basically a blend of Microblading Natural Strokes and Powder Ombre techniques. The artist starts by creating natural, hair-like strokes at the start of the brows, and then gradually transitions into a powdered finish towards the tail. This combination creates a beautifully defined look that still has the realistic texture of natural eyebrows. It’s the perfect choice if you want the softness of microblading with the added definition and fullness of a powdered effect. Like the other techniques, Combo Hybrid Brows also lasts around 12 to 18 months.


When deciding on a microblading technique, it's important to consider your natural eyebrow shape, facial features, skin type, and personal preferences. During your initial consultation, a skilled microblading artist will be able to guide you through these options and help you choose the technique that will best achieve your desired results.


Remember that microblading is both an art and a science, and the experience and skill of the artist play a significant role in the outcome. So, take your time to discuss different techniques, and don't hesitate to ask your artist for their expert opinion and advice.

Eyebrow Shapes and How They Complement Facial Structures

Eyebrows are often referred to as the "frames of the face" because they play a pivotal role in balancing and defining facial features. The shape of your eyebrows can dramatically affect your overall appearance. Understanding the relationship between eyebrow shapes and facial structures can help you select a brow style that enhances your natural beauty.


Here are some common eyebrow shapes and how they complement different facial structures.


Arched Brows:

This classic shape features a high arch and is ideal for elongating the face. It's particularly flattering on people with a round face as it draws the eye upward, creating an illusion of a longer face.


Soft Arched Brows:

Similar to arched brows but with a gentler curve, this shape is versatile and suits most face shapes. It's particularly flattering for oval faces, complementing their balanced proportions without adding too much length.


Flat Brows:

Flat brows have little to no arch and extend straight across the forehead. This shape can help widen the appearance of a long face, making it more proportional. It’s also an excellent choice for individuals with a rectangular face shape.


S-Shaped Brows:

The S-shape, also known as the curved brow, features a soft arch with a slight curve. This shape adds softness and femininity to the face, making it ideal for heart-shaped faces as it balances out the narrower jawline.


Feathered Brows:

Feathered brows are characterized by their natural look with soft, feather-like strokes. This style is great for those seeking a subtle enhancement and is versatile enough to suit most face shapes.


Thick Brows:

Thick, full brows are trendy and can add a youthful appearance. They work well on individuals with larger or prominent features and a wider face.


When considering a shape for your microbladed eyebrows, it's important to consider your natural brow shape, bone structure, and personal preferences. A skilled microblading artist will conduct a thorough consultation and use mapping techniques to create a brow shape that harmonizes with your facial features.


Don't be afraid to communicate your desires, but also be open to the suggestions of your artist, who has the expertise to advise on what shapes may best complement your face. The goal is to achieve eyebrows that not only look fantastic but also feel authentic to you.

Understanding Your Skin Type

Before delving into the world of microblading, it’s imperative to understand the role that your skin type plays in the procedure. The skin is a living canvas, and knowing its characteristics can significantly impact the results and longevity of microblading. Different skin types may react differently to the procedure, and being aware of this helps in setting realistic expectations.


Here’s what you need to know about various skin types:


Oily Skin:

Individuals with oily skin may find that microblading results appear softer and less crisp than on other skin types. The excess oil can cause the pigment to blur slightly. Additionally, oily skin may experience faster fading, which means more frequent touch-ups might be needed.


Dry Skin:

Dry skin usually takes microblading pigment well, with results appearing sharp and defined. However, it's crucial to ensure that the skin is well moisturized before the procedure, as dry skin can sometimes over-absorb pigment, leading to darker than expected results.


Combination Skin:

This skin type features areas of both dryness and oiliness, typically oily in the T-zone and dry on the cheeks. Microblading on combination skin may yield varied results; consulting with a skilled artist to tailor the procedure and aftercare to your specific skin characteristics is vital.


Sensitive Skin:

For those with sensitive skin, it’s essential to discuss any sensitivities or allergies with the microblading artist. The skin may be more prone to redness and irritation, so it's important to follow aftercare instructions diligently to avoid complications.


Mature Skin:

Older skin may be thinner and less elastic. It’s important for individuals with mature skin to have realistic expectations, as the results might not be as defined and crisp as in younger skin. A skilled artist may use specialized techniques to work with mature skin.


Normal Skin:

If your skin is neither too oily nor too dry and doesn’t have sensitivities, it falls under the normal category. Normal skin usually reacts well to microblading, with defined and long-lasting results.


Understanding your skin type is essential, but it’s just one of the factors that will determine the outcome of your microblading procedure.


When you go for a consultation, the microblading artist will analyze your skin and discuss how it may affect the results. Based on your skin type, they can also recommend specific techniques or aftercare routines to maximize the benefits of microblading.


Remember that communication is key. Be open about your skin concerns and history, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. A customized approach, tailored to your unique skin type, will ensure the best possible results from your microblading experience.

Preparing for Your Microblading Session

Proper preparation is key to ensuring a smooth microblading session and achieving the best possible results. As microblading is a semi-permanent procedure, it's important to approach it with care and consideration.

Here are some steps and guidelines to help you prepare for your microblading appointment:


Research and Choose a Reputable Artist:

Before anything else, it’s essential to do your homework and find a skilled and reputable microblading artist. Look for one with good reviews, a portfolio of their work, and proper certifications. Don't hesitate to ask questions and ensure you feel comfortable with them.


Avoid Certain Substances:

In the weeks leading up to your appointment, it’s advisable to avoid blood-thinning substances such as alcohol, caffeine, and certain medications like aspirin. This can help reduce the risk of excessive bleeding during the procedure, which can affect how the skin retains pigment.


Skin Care:

Keep your skin in top condition by moisturizing regularly. However, avoid any aggressive skin treatments such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or strong exfoliants for at least two to three weeks before your appointment, as these can sensitize the skin.


Sun Exposure:

Minimize sun exposure before your microblading session. Sunburned or highly tanned skin is not ideal for microblading, as it can affect how the pigment is absorbed.


Consultation and Patch Test:

Schedule a consultation with the microblading artist. During this time, discuss your desired eyebrow shape, color, and any concerns you might have. Some artists may also perform a patch test to check for any allergic reactions to the pigments.


Day of the Appointment:

On the day of your microblading appointment, arrive with a clean face free of makeup, especially around the eyebrow area. It’s also a good idea to eat a light meal before your session, as this will help keep your blood sugar levels stable.


Set Realistic Expectations:

Lastly, go into your appointment with an open mind and realistic expectations. Microblading can be transformative, but it’s important to remember that it may take time and possibly multiple sessions to achieve the final desired look.


By taking the time to prepare properly for your microblading session, you'll be setting the stage for a more successful and satisfying experience. Your artist will provide you with specific instructions based on your skin type and the procedure, so be sure to follow them closely.

The Microblading Procedure

Understanding what to expect during the microblading procedure can alleviate any anxieties and help you feel more at ease when the day arrives. The microblading procedure typically lasts between two to three hours and is performed in several stages.


Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:


Consultation and Design:

The session begins with a final consultation where you and your microblading artist discuss your desired eyebrow shape, color, and overall look. The artist will then use a special pencil to draw the shape of the eyebrows, making adjustments based on your feedback. This is your opportunity to voice any preferences or concerns before the actual microblading begins.


Numbing the Area:

To ensure your comfort during the procedure, the artist will apply a topical numbing cream to the eyebrow area. This usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes to take effect. Some individuals may feel a slight discomfort, while others hardly feel anything at all.


Microblading Process:

Once the area is numbed, the microblading artist will use a handheld tool with fine needles to create tiny, hair-like incisions in the skin. They will then deposit the pigment into these incisions. This process is meticulous and can take up to an hour or more, depending on the complexity of the desired shape and fullness.


Pigment Setting:

After the microblading is complete, the artist will usually apply a layer of pigment over the entire brow area and let it sit for a few minutes. This helps the pigment settle into the tiny cuts and enhances the color retention.


Cleaning and Reviewing:

The artist will clean the area and may use an antiseptic ointment to promote healing. This is the moment when you'll get to see your new eyebrows! It’s important to remember that the color will likely appear darker and more intense immediately after the procedure and will lighten during the healing process.


Aftercare Instructions:

Before you leave, your microblading artist will provide you with aftercare instructions. Following these guidelines is crucial for the healing process and the longevity of your new eyebrows.


The microblading procedure is an art that requires precision, patience, and skill. It's essential to choose a reputable artist and to communicate openly with them throughout the process. Keep in mind that your eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing process, and a touch-up appointment is typically needed about 6-8 weeks after the initial session to perfect the look.

Aftercare and Healing

Proper aftercare is essential to the healing process and can significantly impact the outcome of your microblading procedure. This is a time when patience is key, as full healing can take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks.


Below are some tips and steps to help ensure a smooth recovery:


Avoid Water and Sweat:

For the first week after your microblading session, avoid getting your eyebrows wet during showers and try to minimize sweating. Excessive moisture can lead to the pigment being washed out of the small incisions.


Avoid Touching:

Resist the urge to touch, scratch, or pick at your eyebrows. Your fingers can introduce bacteria and cause an infection, and scratching can dislodge the pigment from the skin.


Protect from the Sun:

Sun exposure can cause the pigment to fade prematurely, so wear a hat or use sunscreen specifically designed for facial use (avoid applying directly on the brows until fully healed).


Skin Products:

Avoid applying creams, ointments, makeup, or any other products directly on your eyebrows until they are fully healed unless advised by your microblading artist. Some products can interfere with the healing process and color retention.


Sleeping Position:

Try to sleep on your back to avoid rubbing your eyebrows on your pillow, which can cause the pigment to fade or blur.

Your microblading artist should provide you with detailed aftercare instructions tailored to your specific skin type and needs. It's crucial to follow these guidelines to protect your newly microbladed brows and ensure optimal results.


Post-microblading, your eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing process. Initially, your brows may appear darker and more intense, but they will lighten and soften over time. Around the third or fourth day, you may notice some flaking or light scabbing as the skin heals – this is normal but remember not to pick or scratch. After about a month, your brows will have healed, and you’ll be able to see the final result.


Remember that a touch-up session is typically needed about 6-8 weeks after the initial microblading procedure. During this appointment, your artist will be able to fill in any areas that may have healed lighter or tweak the shape or color, if necessary.

The Importance of a Touch-up Session

Microblading is a two-step process, and the touch-up session, often referred to as the “Perfecting Session,” is just as crucial as the initial appointment. Generally scheduled 6-8 weeks after the first procedure, the touch-up session allows the microblading artist to refine and perfect your eyebrows.


Here's why this session is so important:


Healing Assessment:

The touch-up appointment gives the microblading artist the opportunity to see how your skin has healed and how the pigment has settled. Everyone's skin is different, and this session allows for adjustments to be made based on how your skin reacted to the pigment.


Color Enhancement:

Often, the color of your eyebrows may lighten during the healing process. During the touch-up session, the artist can add more pigment to ensure that your eyebrows match your desired shade.


Detail Refinement:

Despite the precision of microblading, sometimes small gaps or inconsistencies in the hair strokes can occur. The touch-up session allows the artist to fill in these gaps and refine the details to achieve a more polished look.


Shape Adjustment:

Although the shape of your eyebrows is discussed and drawn prior to the initial microblading, you may decide that you want to make small adjustments to the shape or thickness after seeing them healed. The touch-up session provides the opportunity to make these adjustments.



As you live with your new eyebrows, you might develop preferences regarding certain aspects of the shape or color. The touch-up session is the time to communicate these preferences to your artist so that they can personalize your brows to your liking.



A touch-up session helps to reinforce the pigment in the skin, contributing to the longevity of the microblading. By ensuring that the pigment is even and well-settled, you can extend the time between touch-ups in the future.


It's important not to skip the touch-up session, as it is a vital part of the microblading process. Your eyebrows may look good after the first session, but the touch-up ensures that they look great and stay that way for as long as possible.


Go into the session with any notes or feedback you have, and don't hesitate to communicate openly with your artist about your desires and expectations.

Making an Informed Decision

Making the decision to undergo microblading is not one that should be taken lightly. It involves both a financial investment and changes to your appearance that will last for an extended period of time.


Here are some key considerations to ensure that you are making an informed and confident decision:



Before committing to microblading, it’s essential to do thorough research. Look into different artists, read reviews, and browse before-and-after pictures. Pay close attention to the credentials and experience of the microblading artist you are considering.


Understand the Procedure:

Have a solid understanding of what the microblading procedure entails. Know the steps involved, the tools used, and the typical timeline for healing and touch-ups.


Evaluate Your Skin Type:

As discussed earlier, different skin types can react differently to microblading. Consult with a professional to evaluate your skin type and discuss any potential issues or considerations.


Set Realistic Expectations:

Microblading can enhance your eyebrows, but it’s important to have realistic expectations. Communicate openly with your microblading artist about what you hope to achieve and listen to their expert advice on what is possible.


Cost and Maintenance:

Understand the costs involved, not just for the initial procedure but also for the necessary touch-up and any future maintenance. Make sure that you are comfortable with this investment.


Think Long Term:

Microblading is semi-permanent, which means it will last for a substantial amount of time. Consider how the decision aligns with your long-term aesthetic goals and lifestyle.


Trust Your Instincts:

Finally, trust your instincts. If you have any reservations or feel uncomfortable with the artist, it’s okay to take a step back. It’s important to feel confident and secure in your decision.


Remember, microblading is an art form, and your eyebrows are a prominent feature of your face. By taking the time to make an informed decision, you’re investing in your self-confidence and appearance. Don’t rush the process; take the time you need to gather all the information and weigh the pros and cons before moving forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure where a special handheld microblading eyebrow pen is used to draw on strokes that mimic the appearance of real brow hairs. Pigment is implanted into the skin in fine, hair-like strokes, giving the eyebrows a natural and fuller look.


Is microblading painful?

The pain level varies from person to person. A topical anesthetic is used to numb the area to minimize discomfort. Some people report feeling a slight scratching sensation, while others feel very little discomfort at all.


How long does microblading last?

Microblading typically lasts between 1 to 3 years, depending on skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, and the products used on the skin. Touch-up sessions are recommended every 6 to 12 months to maintain the appearance.


How much does microblading cost?

The cost of microblading varies depending on the location, the experience of the artist, and other factors. Generally, it can range from $300 to over $1000.


Can microblading be done on any skin type?

While microblading can be performed on most skin types, there are considerations for certain skin types. For example, individuals with oily skin may find that the pigment fades quicker. A consultation with a reputable artist will help determine if microblading is suitable for your skin type.


What is the healing process like?

The initial healing process usually takes about 2-3 weeks, during which the brows may be darker, and there may be some scabbing. Full healing and pigment stabilization can take up to 6 weeks.


How do I choose a microblading artist?

Look for a microblading artist who is certified, experienced, and has a portfolio of their work. Reading reviews and getting recommendations is also a good way to find a reputable artist.


Can I wear makeup after microblading?

It’s best to avoid applying makeup directly to the eyebrows for at least 2 weeks after the microblading procedure to prevent infection and allow the skin to heal properly.


What if I don’t like the results?

It’s important to communicate your desires clearly with your microblading artist. However, if you’re unhappy with the results, discuss this with the artist. In some cases, minor tweaks can be made during the touch-up session.


Is there any downtime after microblading?

There’s no significant downtime, but it’s important to follow aftercare instructions closely. You can return to most normal activities, but should avoid swimming, excessive sweating, and wearing makeup on the brows for a short period.


As we reach the end of this consumer guide, it's important to reflect on the information provided and how it can help you make an informed decision regarding microblading. Enhancing your eyebrows through microblading can be a transformative experience, not just aesthetically but also in terms of convenience and confidence.


Microblading, when done correctly by a skilled professional, can result in natural-looking, fuller eyebrows that require minimal upkeep. However, as we've highlighted throughout this guide, it's not a decision to be taken lightly. From understanding the different techniques and identifying the perfect eyebrow shape to complement your facial structure, to knowing how to prepare for the procedure and follow through with proper aftercare, every step is crucial.


Investing time in selecting a reputable microblading artist is of paramount importance. Remember, this is a semi-permanent procedure, and the results will be a part of your appearance for an extended period. Communication with your chosen artist is key – make sure you express your desires and expectations clearly, and don’t hesitate to ask questions.


Additionally, be mindful of your skin type, lifestyle, and long-term goals. Set realistic expectations and follow the aftercare instructions diligently for the best outcome. Don’t forget the importance of the touch-up session, which is critical for perfecting and maintaining your new brows.


Microblading has the potential to simplify your daily routine and enhance your natural beauty. Armed with the knowledge and insights provided in this guide, you are now equipped to make an informed and confident decision. Your eyebrows are one of the most defining features of your face; give them the care and attention they deserve.


Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. May your journey to achieving the perfect eyebrows be a successful and rewarding one!

Thank You

Whether you are ready to book your microblading appointment or just want to chat about the procedure and what it can do for you, I am here to help. Thank you once again for your time, and I look forward to assisting you on your journey to beautiful eyebrows!


Warm Regards,


Mercedes Perez, Permanent Makeup Artist

Contact Mercedes

Thank you for choosing to read this consumer's guide on microblading. If you have any questions, need further information, or would like to schedule an appointment, there are several ways to get in touch with me. I, Mercedes Perez, have dedicated over 20 years to the fitness and beauty business. My passion is to empower you to look and feel your best.



Feel free to TEXT or CALL me at (210) 274-8485. This number is my direct line of communication where you can ask questions or schedule appointments.



If you prefer to communicate via email, you can reach me at



Connect with me on Facebook at


You can also send me a Facebook Direct Message (DM) on to ask questions or schedule appointments.



Follow me on Instagram and stay updated on the latest trends and services:



For more information on services, before-and-after galleries, and client testimonials, please visit my website at

Blitz Beauty and Brow Studio

My intimate microblading studio is conveniently located on the second floor of Dominion Ridge Shopping Center.


You can find us here:


Blitz Beauty and Brow Studio

JC Salons Suite #4, Dominion Ridge Shopping Center

22211 W Interstate 10 Frontage Rd. #1201

San Antonio, TX 78256



Let’s chat about your new brows!
Text or Call Mercedes at (210) 274-8485

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